On Sunday, October 2, the United Church congregation commissioned the Sr. Pastor Search Team which includes:


Chair: Dennis Pagano

Dennis Pagano has been a member of United Church for 34 years and has served on almost every board of the church including being Moderator. He has served as our Habitat for Humanity coordinator. Dennis also serves as a mentor in the Johnson Service Corps program, on the Member in Discernment Committee, the selection committee for the Peacemaking Scholarship and is a regular participant in the Wednesday morning Bible study group. Dennis and his wife, Louise, have experience with the larger church as their son, Tim Rose, served with UCC Global Ministries.

Clerk: Jill McArdle

Jill McArdle is currently the chair of Membership Engagement and Stewardship. She has also served as the Chair of the Board of Deacons, with the La Mesa committee and the ONA committee. Jill has participated in the mission trips to Honduras to establish connections with the LGBT community there.

Chaplain: Bill Crittenden

Bill Crittenden is ordained minister and an experienced, though now retired, administrator of health care communities. He is married to Betsy and has children and grandchildren in the church. He sings with United Voices of Praise and has served on multiple UCCH boards, including MES, Deacon, Health ministries, and the Initial Organization Against Racism committee.

Karen Demby

Karen Demby was Moderator of United Church during at time of our Centennial in 2010 when the congregation both reviewed its history and developed a futures committee to look ahead. She was Involved early with bringing the need for racial justice education. In addition to serving our congregation she has served on the Board of Trustees for Lancaster Theological Seminary. She and her husband, Hiawatha, raised their daughter, Katherine, in the church.’
Dan Vermeer
Dan Vermeer co-chaired the most recent capital campaign and through that experience learned a great deal about United Church. He and his family (Saritha, Luke and Maya) have been very active in the children and youth ministries. Dan has served on the Board of Justice, Outreach and Service and as an “At-Large” member of the Church Council.

Barbara Wildemuth

Barbara Wildemuth has been a leader of the Monday evening Women’s Study Group, served on the Board of Deacons, is a leader in the Homestart monthly dinner, participates in the Wednesday morning Bible study group, has co-chaired a capital campaign and is our church librarian. Barbara sings with the Chancel Choir and has accompanied the Children’s Choir. She and her husband, Gaylen Brubaker, have also worked with the youth program.

Jenna Kolling

Jenna Kolling is a young adult who is active with youth ministry and with hand bells. She has been active with the Young Adults group, served with Adult Education and was a member of the leadership team for the Light on the Hill Capital Campaign.
Please keep them in your prayers. They will soon be meeting with our UCC Conference and National search and call representative Beth Kennett for training in the United Church process.
On Sunday, October 2, the United Church congregation commissioned the Sr. Pastor Search Team which includes:


Chair: Dennis Pagano

Dennis Pagano has been a member of United Church for 34 years and has served on almost every board of the church including being Moderator. He has served as our Habitat for Humanity coordinator. Dennis also serves as a mentor in the Johnson Service Corps program, on the Member in Discernment Committee, the selection committee for the Peacemaking Scholarship and is a regular participant in the Wednesday morning Bible study group. Dennis and his wife, Louise, have experience with the larger church as their son, Tim Rose, served with UCC Global Ministries.

Clerk: Jill McArdle

Jill McArdle is currently the chair of Membership Engagement and Stewardship. She has also served as the Chair of the Board of Deacons, with the La Mesa committee and the ONA committee. Jill has participated in the mission trips to Honduras to establish connections with the LGBT community there.

Chaplain: Bill Crittenden

Bill Crittenden is ordained minister and an experienced, though now retired, administrator of health care communities. He is married to Betsy and has children and grandchildren in the church. He sings with United Voices of Praise and has served on multiple UCCH boards, including MES, Deacon, Health ministries, and the Initial Organization Against Racism committee.

Karen Demby

Karen Demby was Moderator of United Church during at time of our Centennial in 2010 when the congregation both reviewed its history and developed a futures committee to look ahead. She was Involved early with bringing the need for racial justice education. In addition to serving our congregation she has served on the Board of Trustees for Lancaster Theological Seminary. She and her husband, Hiawatha, raised their daughter, Katherine, in the church.’
Dan Vermeer
Dan Vermeer co-chaired the most recent capital campaign and through that experience learned a great deal about United Church. He and his family (Saritha, Luke and Maya) have been very active in the children and youth ministries. Dan has served on the Board of Justice, Outreach and Service and as an “At-Large” member of the Church Council.

Barbara Wildemuth

Barbara Wildemuth has been a leader of the Monday evening Women’s Study Group, served on the Board of Deacons, is a leader in the Homestart monthly dinner, participates in the Wednesday morning Bible study group, has co-chaired a capital campaign and is our church librarian. Barbara sings with the Chancel Choir and has accompanied the Children’s Choir. She and her husband, Gaylen Brubaker, have also worked with the youth program.

Jenna Kolling

Jenna Kolling is a young adult who is active with youth ministry and with hand bells. She has been active with the Young Adults group, served with Adult Education and was a member of the leadership team for the Light on the Hill Capital Campaign.
Please keep them in your prayers. They will soon be meeting with our UCC Conference and National search and call representative Beth Kennett for training in the United Church process.