on life's journey,
you are welcome here.
Racial justice is a core value at UCCH, and efforts to grow into our Racial Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Covenant are taking place throughout the church. You can show your interest and apply these values through a wide variety of programs or groups.
Opportunities for Involvement
Past Events
2019 Black History Month Read-In
The Chapel Hill-Carrboro, NC community comes together to share, listen, grieve and comfort each other as they deal with their emotions and feelings about the July 2016 police shootings of two black men and the shooting deaths of five Dallas police officers.
Saturday, April 23 – Lecture Part 1
Saturday, April 23 – Lecture Part 2
Sunday, April 24 – Reverend John Dorhauer Sermon
Sunday, September 20 – 8:45 am Sermon
Sunday, September 20 – 11 am Sermon
Racial justice is a core value at UCCH, and efforts to grow into our Racial Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Covenant are taking place throughout the church. You can show your interest and apply these values through a wide variety of programs or groups.
Opportunities for Involvement
Past Events
2019 Black History Month Read-In
The Chapel Hill-Carrboro, NC community comes together to share, listen, grieve and comfort each other as they deal with their emotions and feelings about the July 2016 police shootings of two black men and the shooting deaths of five Dallas police officers.
Saturday, April 23 – Lecture Part 1
Saturday, April 23 – Lecture Part 2
Sunday, April 24 – Reverend John Dorhauer Sermon
Sunday, September 20 – 8:45 am Sermon
Sunday, September 20 – 11 am Sermon