on life's journey,
you are welcome here.
April 27, 2017 – Written by John Dorhauer
Five years ago, the United Church of Christ attempted to alleviate hunger by engaging the entire denomination in a shared, collective effort known as Mission: 1.
Four years ago, we attempted a shared initiative to restore health to the planet in an initiative we called Mission 4/1 Earth.
Both times, the full weight of the United Church of Christ was brought to bear as an agent of impact and for transformation. It was a powerful and beautiful thing we did.
We are going to try this again.
At Synod, we will introduce a new campaign – Three Great Loves.
Like the previous mission initiatives, we will attempt to engage the entire denomination in a shared effort and measure the impact of that commitment.
“Three Great Loves” is a response to our newly articulated purpose, mission, and vision statement which reads:
These words are intended to articulate why the United Church of Christ is called by God into being – and unless we can operationalize them into mission that matters, they are just words. Therefore, we are inviting and calling the United Church of Christ into mission. We are challenging the entire denomination to engage in Three Great Loves:
Every setting of the United Church of Christ is invited to make two commitments:
Help us to engage the United Church of Christ in mission once again, all pulling together in common cause and for a common purpose.
The world is in need of our great love. And our love for the world can transform it.
~John C. Dorhauer is General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ