on life's journey,
you are welcome here.
Youth will have a program under the leadership of Pastor Ian McPherson. Youth will BUNK in the Youth Center. The cost per youth for the weekend is $240. Youth will leave the afternoon of Friday, October 11 after school from the church. Please register below.
We will have a children’s program in conjunction with the theme “Filling the Pitcher”. Children will be invited on a nature hike around the facilities, engage in art projects and other activities to help them connect with nature and to fill buckets and/or pitchers with objects that bring them joy.
Friday night icebreakers 7 to 9 pm! Retreat Saturday 9 am to 12 pm. Free-time Saturday afternoon to explore the mountains, ride on the parkway, stroll through Blowing Rock or simply to rest at the Assembly Grounds. Saturday night “Social Hour” with bonfire, s’mores, and board games. Also on Saturday night at 7pm we will have a UCCH Retreat Talent Show. Look for a signup sheet in the mountains!
For those who are able, you are encouraged to leave early on Friday and drive up in time for Friday dinner (6:30 – 7:15 pm). Finding the Blowing Rock Assembly Grounds is always easier in the light of day. If the weather is nice, you will enjoy the mountains.
Retreats are formative times, thus we do not want the cost of the weekend away to be prohibitive, particularly for families. If additional assistance would make the difference between going or not, please speak with Rinnie Orr, rorr@unitedchurch.org.
As in all families, the UCCH family has members with different resources and responsibilities. For some the cost of the retreat is manageable, for others it is a hardship, and for others the cost is prohibitive. If you can help, please do. Thank you.
Blowing Rock Conference Center, www.brccenter.org, 828-295-7813
For more information contact Rinnie at rorr@unitedchurch.org.