An event every week that begins at 5:45 pm on Wednesday, repeating until February 7, 2018
Dinner donations: $7 per person, $3 per child, $20 per family.
“Theodicy” is the defense of God’s goodness and justice in the face of suffering and evil in the world. This sounds abstract, yet we all face this issue when we are affected by our own suffering or the suffering of those we love. Is everything unfolding according to God’s plan? If not, what is God’s role? How does God act in the world? This will be a time to learn and share and to explore the meaning of Christian hope.
We will explore a wide range of activities related to a new structured visitation program under Pastoral Care at UCCH. Learn practical tips on conversational essentials, environmental procedures, and spiritual support during short visits to parishioners who are in hospitals, rehabilitation, and assisted living settings. Help us develop procedures for incorporating our prayer shawl ministry and home communion. Join us in developing a team approach for our caring visitations to parishioners and their families.
Now more than ever people of faith are challenged to link spirituality and action. Christian contemplation–an approach to life that enables us to live out the truth of scripture, “We live and move and have our being in God”-offers such a connection. Contemplation takes many forms, one of which is prayer. But there are countless varieties of this form for prayer! Each session we will explore a different variety, using at turns scripture, silence, breath, movement, music and other avenues to deepen our experience of God’s loving presence. Join us for some midweek peace and quiet.
Learn about the history of the UCC: from its European roots, to New England Congregationalism, to the Christian and Afro-Christian movements, its German immigrant heritage and its life today.
A suggested donation for materials is $10 per class. There is a children’s class and they will have their own projects (suggested $5 per class) led weekly by Dianne Whitney.