An event every month that begins at 10:00 am on day First of the month, repeating until June 3, 2019
“Ministry Showcase” is a new program developed by our Board of Membership Engagement and Stewardship and our Director of Hospitality Ministries to aid new visitors and new members in finding an area of ministry that they may want to pursue.
On the first Sunday of each month at the 10 am hour, we will have a “Ministry Showcase” targeted for new visitors and new members of the church to meet members of the church engaged in particular ministries. This spring our Ministry Showcase schedule includes:
June 2: Faith in Action, Part 2:
Learn about our ministry program to help feed and serve the hungry in our greater community and meet members of the church engaged with our local Habitat for Humanity organization. We will also have information about joining our prison ministry team and supporting our church’s annual Alternative Gift Market, which is celebrating its 30th year in November this year.