No matter who you are,
or where you are
on life's journey,
you are welcome here.
Don’t miss our first ever Neighbors Block Party!
Wear you picnic clothes to church, and stay afterwards to enjoy live music from our own Ambassadors Big Band, Iglesia Brazilian Combo, Church of the Advocate Blue Grass Band, the
Orange United Methodist Worship Team, and the Community Empowerment Choir!
Dine al fresco from one of three popular food trucks, or buy hot dogs from Girl Scout Troop 243.
Get to know members of surrounding neighborhoods, congregations and communal residential homes.
There will be games and face painting for the kids, and you’ll have an opportunity to find out more about the event’s sponsor, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Peacemaking Scholarship, and to make a donation if you wish.
Come one, come all!