Join us at 5:45 pm for our Wednesdays Together Fellowship Dinner and stay for conversations on “The Protestant Church During National Socialism: Conformity and Resistance” led by Hans Wuerth.
- Wednesday, September 14: The Protestants and Nazism between 1933-45: The Confessing Church and the Kirchenkampf (church struggle).
- Wednesday, September 21: The Persecution of the Jews from Martin Luther to the Third Reich: Why the Church failed to speak up.
- Wednesday, September 28: The activism, resistance and persecution of some pastors. Bonhoeffer became a martyr: Were there others?
- Wednesday, October 5: A special lecture by Ursula Wuerth: The resistance of pastor Otto Mörike: His arrest and subsequent involvement in the rescue of Jews. Otto Mörike and wife Gertrud were recognized as Righteous Gentiles. They were the parents of United Church member Ursula Wuerth.