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United Church calls Reverend Cameron Barr as Senior Pastor
Sunday, November 19, 2017 was a momentous day for United Church of Chapel Hill. The congregation enthusiastically and joyfully called Reverend Cameron Barr as our next Senior Pastor. Reverend Barr’s calling is the culmination of a formal search process that began in October 2016 and ended in joyful proclamation on yesterday afternoon.
Reverend Barr will arrive at UCCH in March, and expects to preach his first sermon as our Senior Pastor on March 11, 2018. Please pray for Cameron and his partner Jackson as they bid farewell to Grinnell, Iowa and transition to our community, as well as prayers for the community of Grinnell UCC as they begin their transition process to call their new pastor.
Thanksgiving and unending gratitude to our Search Committee who fulfilled God’s promise of walking with us to new leadership at United Church: Dennis Pagano, chair, Bill Crittenden, chaplain, Karen Demby, Jenna Kolling, Jill McArdle, clerk, Dan Vermeer, and Barbara Wildemuth, Their dedication, faith and long hours have brought us to this historic point in the life of our church. Many thanks.
Your moderators,
Alecia Brower and Gaylen Brubaker
United Church calls Reverend Cameron Barr as Senior Pastor
Sunday, November 19, 2017 was a momentous day for United Church of Chapel Hill. The congregation enthusiastically and joyfully called Reverend Cameron Barr as our next Senior Pastor. Reverend Barr’s calling is the culmination of a formal search process that began in October 2016 and ended in joyful proclamation on yesterday afternoon.
Reverend Barr will arrive at UCCH in March, and expects to preach his first sermon as our Senior Pastor on March 11, 2018. Please pray for Cameron and his partner Jackson as they bid farewell to Grinnell, Iowa and transition to our community, as well as prayers for the community of Grinnell UCC as they begin their transition process to call their new pastor.
Thanksgiving and unending gratitude to our Search Committee who fulfilled God’s promise of walking with us to new leadership at United Church: Dennis Pagano, chair, Bill Crittenden, chaplain, Karen Demby, Jenna Kolling, Jill McArdle, clerk, Dan Vermeer, and Barbara Wildemuth, Their dedication, faith and long hours have brought us to this historic point in the life of our church. Many thanks.
Your moderators,
Alecia Brower and Gaylen Brubaker