Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos!
This Sunday:
Everyone hears the word of God. Todos escuchan la palabra de Dios.
Everyone shares the love of Christ. Todos comparten el amor de Cristo.
We believe that God has called us to erect a big tent to proclaim the love of Jesus Christ and to welcome all of God’s children into a community of worship, spiritual growth, and seeking justice. People come to our church from many different religious backgrounds and lived experiences. We are a community full of differences in how we speak, look, love, and pray. Our church has special gifts to welcome queer or LGBTQ identifying people and Spanish speakers, especially immigrant families, who seek an affirming and empowering spiritual home. We are a multicultural and bilingual community. Although we contain many differences, what we share is our commitment to be a community in the presence of God. We believe this is a sacred mission and we would love for you to join us.
Worship Bulletins (March 23)
Sunday Morning Schedule
Sunday, March 9- Sunday, April 6:
9:45am Festival Worship (Sanctuary)
11:00am La Mesa (Assembly Hall)
11:00am Faith Formation for all ages
Sunday, April 13 (Palm Sunday):
10:30am Joint Bilingual Service (Sanctuary)
Sunday, April 20 (Easter Sunday):
7:30am Sunrise Service (Sanctuary portico)
9:45am Festival Worship (Sanctuary)
11:00am La Mesa (Assembly Hall)