United Church of Chapel Hill
1321 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
(919) 942-3540
The church office is generally open Monday-Friday, 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Please contact staff members directly using the information found on the Leadership page.
Building Use Requests
When the building is not being used for church activities, we are happy to share the space with non-profit organizations. Building use donations are determined on a sliding scale depending on the type and frequency of the building use. Contact Church Administrator Kati Ruark (kruark@unitedchurch.org) for more information.
Financial Assistance Requests
We typically do not have funds available for financial assistance to non-church members. We encourage residents of Chapel Hill and Carrboro to contact the IFC.
Church members who need financial assistance should contact a pastor.