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In keeping with the heritage and policy of the United Church of Christ denomination, the United Church of Chapel Hill is a congregational church, governed by the will of the congregation through elected governing boards that establish and supervise our policies and programs. The Church Council consists of the officers, at-large members, chairs of the eight boards, and the Senior Pastor. The Council is responsible for our church’s mission and ministry. This body serves to give direction and provide coordination between various programs and ministries through the actions of Boards and Committees.
Council Officers: Toby McCoy (Moderator), Linda Soto (Assistant Moderator), Robin Smith (Clerk), Doug Bruce (Treasurer)
At-Large Members:
Board and Committees
Justice, Outreach, & Service (Laura Henderson, chair): Responsible for the outreach mission of the church. Equips us to serve God and our neighbor, to grow in our discipleship and to work towards the day when “steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other.” (Ps 85:10)
Racial Justice Ministries Committee: works in collaboration with other church groups to identify and help implement ways UCCH can live more fully into its Racial, Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Covenant. The 2015 Score Report serves as a resource in this work.
Open & Affirming (ONA) Committee: works to provide training and education, increase visibility and awareness, and cultivate a community of support for queer and trans-identified folks.
Peacemaking Scholarship Committee: The Peacemaking Scholarship was established to support high school students Chapel Hill or Carrboro in pursuit of projects in the following areas: non-violent conflict resolution; issues related to the global community; social justice; ecology; making a connection between population and peacemaking; and depolarization. The committee oversees all processes related to fundraising, review of applications, and awards.
Earth Ministries Committee: works within the congregation to help UCCH be a living witness to care for the larger community of life through reduction of our carbon footprint and the inclusion of care for creation and earth justice in our ministry, mission, education, theology, worship, and public advocacy outreach.
Board of Children’s Ministries (Barbara Hall, chair): Responsible for the education and nurture of children. Equips us to rejoice in God’s gift of children, to teach the story of faith, and to rejoice in the good news.
Board of Youth and Young Adult Ministries (chair): Responsible for the education and nurture of youth and young adults. Equips us to involve our youth and young adults in discipleship, to experience the good news of God, and to celebrate the growth God gives.
Board of Adult Education (Carlisle Walters, chair): Responsible for the education and nurture of adults. Equips us to nurture adults in the unfolding of their lives, to continue growing in faith and to experience the presence of God.
Board of Deacons (Jeff Hall, chair): Responsible for the spiritual welfare of the congregation. Equips us to care for one another, to be a household of faith and to grow into a welcoming community of love.
Visual Arts Committee: conduct classes, provide decorations for special events and holidays and flower arrangements on Sunday, and arrange for art exhibits at the church.
Music Committee: supports the music staff and many volunteers in the church to provide a robust program of vocal and instrumental music for worship services.
Board of Fellowship (Jody Forehand, chair): Responsible for the community welfare of the congregation. Equips us to be together – to eat together, to play together, to live together – as a congregation.
Board of Membership Engagement & Stewardship (Linda Sellars, chair): Responsible for strengthening our congregation’s resources. Equips us to nurture our members’ church identity and engage their time, talents, and financial resources to fulfill the mission plan of our congregation.
Board of Trustees (Peter Schay, chair): Responsible for the supervision of all finances and custodians of church properties. Equips us to be good stewards of our financial resources whether they are the resources of our church household or of each of us individually so the mission and ministry of the church may happen. Assists us in maintaining our facility as a place of ministry and mission for our congregation.
La Mesa Committees: Worship Committee, Fellowship Committee, Welcome & Outreach Committee
Council Committees
Personnel Policy Committee: establishes, reviews, and, as necessary, proposes revisions of personnel policies to Council for approval. The Committee is responsible for ensuring that all personnel policies are applied fairly and consistently. The Committee also has a role in personnel policy administration and provides input as needed on personnel-related matters.
Pastoral Relations Committee: aims to support a healthy relationship between the congregation and the senior pastor and aims for accountability to both parties. This includes working to set up and maintain clear processes for addressing issues of the congregation as they relate to the senior pastor as outlined in the PRC Charter.