Directions & Parking

1321 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard
Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (map)
From I-40
Take exit 266 for NC-86 S/Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Travel south on Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. for about 1.4 miles, and turn right at the United Church of Chapel Hill sign to drive up the hill to the parking lot. If you miss the turn from Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. into the church, continue to the next traffic light and turn right onto Homestead Road. Proceed as below.
From downtown Chapel Hill
Go north on Columbia Street, which becomes Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., for about 2.6 miles. Turn left onto Homestead Road at the traffic light. After about 0.2 miles, turn right onto Aquatic Drive and take the second entrance on the right into the United Church parking lot.
Our parking lot has space for approximately 140 vehicles. On weekends and evenings, overflow parking is available in the UNC parking lot entered by turning right off of Homestead Road, before Aquatic Drive. There is a gravel path from the UNC parking lot to the church. On those rare occasions when both the church and UNC lots are full, parking is available in the Homestead Aquatic Center lot, about ¼ mile past the church on Aquatic Drive.
During the school year, please reserve the marked spaces near the ramp on the west end of the building for the United Church Preschool (8:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.) Please consider leaving the spaces closest to the building (marked “Priority Parking”) for those who benefit from more accessible parking.
Building Access & Accessibility
The building has three main entrances. During the week (Monday-Friday), please enter at the Office entrance. If the door is locked, there is a doorbell and intercom to the left of the doors; please ring the doorbell and someone will unlock the door or come to greet you.
On Sunday mornings or for special events, you can also enter at the Sanctuary entrance (also known as the Narthex). There is also an entrance on the lower level primarily used for the weekday preschool and youth activities.
The lower level can be reached using the elevator found in the Narthex (outside of the Sanctuary) or the outdoor ramp leading to the downstairs entrance at the west end of the building.
Hearing assistive devices are available for the worship service in the Sanctuary.
What to Expect on Sunday Morning
Find out more about our worship services here.
If you are attending Festival Worship in the Sanctuary, enter any of the entrances at the front of the building and turn right. You will be greeted and offered a nametag and bulletin. Hearing assistive devices and large print bulletins are available for the worship service in the Sanctuary.
Communion is served every week, and anyone is welcome to participate in communion. It is served by intinction, dipping bread into a cup (of juice). Gluten-free bread is available and worship leaders can bring the elements to worshipers unable to come forward to receive communion. The service starts at 9:45 a.m. and typically lasts just over an hour.
Following worship, you are invited to the coffee hour in the Fellowship Hall, and to join the Community Forum, classes, or the La Mesa service. Faith formation gatherings for children and youth begin after Festival Worship on the lower floor of the building. Visitors are welcome!
If you are attending the La Mesa service in the Assembly Hall, enter any of the entrances at the front of the building and turn left. The Assembly Hall is past the church offices. You will be greeted and offered a nametag and a bulletin. Elements of the service are offered in Spanish or English, with consecutive interpretation. Communion is offered each week, and the service concludes with the preacher offering questions for reflection and discussion amongst attendees. La Mesa starts at 11 a.m., and typically lasts just over an hour. If you arrive early, come down to the Fellowship Hall for some coffee and treats!
Several times a year, we have joint bilingual services that begin at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Be sure to check the church website before Sunday morning to make sure you show up for worship at the right time.
Children are always welcome in worship. Books and activities for children are available in both worship spaces. Nursery care for all ages is also available during both worship services. Children can check in to the nursery (downstairs) before worship, or can come down after the Children’s Moment during Festival Worship. United Church of Chapel Hill has been recognized as a Community Partner by Breastfeed Orange NC. All forms of infant feeding, including breastfeeding, are welcome anywhere at United Church. If you would like a more private place to feed your baby or to pump, you are welcome to use the Family Parlor (where you can hear the Festival Service) or the prayer room. The prayer room is in the lower narthex, easily accessible by the stairs or elevator located near the Sanctuary. The prayer room has blinds that can be closed, a door that can be locked, an outlet, and a “do not disturb” sign that can be displayed.