I’ve told this story many times to family and friends, because this experience really sealed the deal for me in choosing UCCH as my spiritual home. Several years ago while “shopping around” for a church, my partner and I showed up one Sunday morning at UCCH. On this particular Sunday a baptism was part of the service. When it came time for the family and baby to join the pastor at the baptismal fount, we noticed right away that this was not your “traditional” family. Scouring the bulletin for details, it became clear that it was a lesbian couple’s baby being baptized. It appeared, however, that only me and my lesbian partner were surprised, albeit pleasantly, by this situation. The rest of the extremely welcoming, inclusive, progressive congregation of UCCH, were too busy committing their love and support to the newest church member. This was my first encounter with what it means to be an open and affirming church; witnessing this full participation by LGBTQs in the life of the UCCH community. Thanks be to God.