Worship at United Church of Chapel Hill
In-Person Worship
Festival Worship with communion begins at 9:45 a.m. in the sanctuary. Festival Worship is a traditional worship service, featuring scripture and a sermon and a variety of music.
La Mesa with communion begins at 11:00 a.m. in the Assembly Hall. La Mesa is a bilingual worship service enhancing the diversity, spirituality, and faith of people in a radically welcoming and inclusive space where the table of the Lord becomes the sacred meeting space.
Taizé Service
Taizé is a style of Christian worship that originated in Taizé, France 75 years ago. It is woven with Christian song and chants, interspersed with prayerful silence, scripture reading, more song, more prayer, and more silence. Please join us in the Sanctuary. Click here for details.
Childcare is available for infant to elementary-age children on Sunday mornings. Children and youth are welcome in both worship services. Worship bags, with resources for children, are offered in the sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall. A Children’s Moment is offered most Sundays before the sermon in the Festival Service- children of all ages are welcome to join us at the front of the sanctuary for this special time!
We believe that the Lord’s Table is truly God’s Table and that Christ is the host. The Table of the Lord is open to all who wish to eat at the table with Christ and in fellowship with others. We come forward, taking a piece of bread and individual cup, to receive communion. If you are not able to come forward for communion, please raise your hand and communion will be brought to you.
Baptism is the symbolic entry into the Church of Jesus Christ. It is a personal and community celebration and thus typically performed in the context of a worship service. While our primary tradition is infant baptism, we know there are families whose tradition is waiting for individuals to make that decision themselves. Thus, we offer adolescents a confirmation/discipleship class to confirm those who were previously baptized and to prepare those for baptism who now wish to become disciples of Christ. We also offer adult baptism.
Healing Prayer
We offer healing prayer during the Festival Service. Worshipers are invited to ask for prayer for themselves or for someone they know.
Fellowship Time
Coffee Hour follows the Festival Service (around 10:45 a.m.) in the Fellowship Hall. Coffee, cold drinks, and small snacks are served.
Online Worship
Find our livestreamed Sunday services, or previous recordings of worship services, on our Youtube channel. The sermon text and recent worship bulletins are available on our website and in Sunday’s worship email. The prayer list is also included in Sunday’s worship email.