Our Church Structure and Lay Leadership / La estructura de nuestra iglesia y el liderazgo laico
The congregation of United Church of Chapel Hill is a community of people from diverse religious traditions and from that diversity comes much of its richness and strength. In keeping with the heritage and policy of our denomination, the United Church of Christ, the United Church of Chapel Hill is a congregational church, governed by the will of the congregation through elected governing boards that establish and supervise our policies and programs. This democratic process ensures that United Church and its ministry and programs remain vital and relevant to the congregation and the community we serve. / La congregación de La Iglesia Unida de Chapel Hill es una comunidad de personas de tradiciones religiosas diversas y de esa diversidad proviene gran parte de su riqueza y fortaleza. De acuerdo con el legado y la política de nuestra denominación, la Iglesia Unida de Cristo, la Iglesia Unida de Chapel Hill es una iglesia congregacional, gobernada por la voluntad de la congregación a través de juntas de gobierno electas para establecer y supervisar nuestras políticas y programas. Este proceso democrático asegura que la Iglesia Unida y su ministerio y programas sigan siendo vitales y relevantes para la congregación y la comunidad a la que servimos.
Your input and participation in this process is vital. There are many ways to participate and have a voice. Elect new church leadership at the June Congregational Meeting and consider church stewardship at the fall Congregational Meeting or be a leader yourself and serve on a board or committee. You can also reach out to board or committee chairs to offer occasional help. Board service requires church membership, but anyone can serve on a committee. / Tus aporte y participación en este proceso es vital. Hay muchas formas de participar y tener voz. Elije un nuevo liderazgo de la iglesia en la reunión congregacional de junio y considera la mayordomía de la iglesia en la reunión congregacional de otoño, o sé un líder y sirve en una junta o comité. También puedes comunicarte con los presidentes de juntas o comités para ofrecer ayuda ocasional. El servicio de la junta requiere de membresía de la iglesia, pero cualquiera puede servir en un comité.
The Church Council consists of the Officers, At-Large members, chairs of the 8 boards and the Senior Pastor. The Council is responsible for our church’s mission and ministry. This body serves to give direction and provide coordination between various programs and ministries through the actions of Boards and Committees. To learn more, review these pages and, if you have questions or comments, contact the church officers. / El Consejo de la Iglesia está formado por los oficiales, miembros asociados del consejo, los presidentes de las 8 juntas y el Pastor Principal. El Consejo es responsable de la misión y el ministerio de nuestra iglesia. Este organismo sirve para dar dirección y proporcionar coordinación entre varios programas y ministerios a través de las acciones de Juntas y Comités. Para obtener más información, vaya a estas páginas y, si tiene preguntas o comentarios, comuníquese con los oficiales de la iglesia.
Council Organization and Board Responsibilities
This is a brief description of the duties of each board. If you are interested in learning more about the board, schedule an appointment to talk to the chair or a representative of the board. / Esta es una breve descripción de los deberes de cada junta. Si está interesado en saber más sobre la junta, agende una cita para hablar con el presidente o un representante de la junta.
ASSISTANT TREASURER / TESORERO ASISTENTE: Derek HarrisonAt-Large Members / Miembros Asociados:
Represent all the members of our congregation and facilitate communication for all issues that might arise, but, most importantly, for issues that are not covered by one of the boards. / Representan a todos los miembros de nuestra congregación y facilitan la comunicación para todos los problemas que puedan surgir, pero, lo más importante, para los problemas que no están cubiertos por una de las juntas.JUSTICE, OUTREACH AND SERVICE / JUSTICIA, ALCANCE Y SERVICIO
Board of Justice, Outreach and Service / Junta de Justicia, Alcance y Servicio
CHAIR / PRESIDENCIA: Laura Henderson
Responsible for the outreach mission of the church. Equips us to serve God and our neighbor, to grow in our discipleship and to work towards the day when “steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other.” (Ps 85:10) / Responsables de la misión de alcance de la iglesia. Nos prepara para servir a Dios y a nuestro prójimo, para crecer en nuestro discipulado y para trabajar hacia el día en que “El amor y la lealtad, la paz y la justicia, sellarán su encuentro con un beso”. (Sal 85:10)FAITH FORMATION / FORMACION DE FE
Board of Children’s Ministries / Junta de Ministerios de Niños
Education and nurture of children. Equips us to rejoice in God’s gift of children, to teach the story of faith, and to rejoice in the good news. / Educación y crianza de niños. Nos prepara para regocijarnos en el don de los hijos de Dios, para enseñar la historia de la fe y para alegrarnos con las buenas nuevas.Board of Youth and Young Adult Ministries / Junta de Ministerios de Jóvenes y Jóvenes Adultos
Education and nurture of youth and young adults. Equips us to involve our youth and young adults in discipleship, to experience the good news of God, and to celebrate the growth God gives. / Educación y crianza de jóvenes y adultos jóvenes. Nos prepara para involucrar a nuestros jóvenes y adultos jóvenes en el discipulado, para experimentar las buenas nuevas de Dios y para celebrar el crecimiento que Dios da.Board of Adult Education Ministries / Junta de Ministerios de Educación para Adultos
CHAIR / PRESIDENCIA: Carlisle Walters
Education and nurture of adults. Equips us to nurture adults in the unfolding of their lives, to continue growing in faith and to experience the presence of God. / Educación y cuidado de adultos. Nos prepara para estimular a los adultos en el desarrollo de sus vidas, para seguir creciendo en la fe y experimentar la presencia de Dios.WORSHIP / ADORACIÓN
Board of Deacons / Junta de Diáconos
Spiritual welfare of the congregation. Equips us to care for one another, to be a household of faith and to grow into a welcoming community of love. / Bienestar espiritual de la congregación. Nos prepara para cuidarnos los unos a los otros, para ser un hogar de fe y para crecer en una acogedora comunidad de amor.EXTRAVAGANT WELCOME / BIENVENIDA EXTRAVAGANTE
Board of Fellowship / Junta de Fraternidad
Community welfare of the congregation. Equips us to be together – to eat together, to play together, to live together – as a congregation. / Bienestar comunitario de la congregación. Nos prepara para estar juntos, para comer juntos, para jugar juntos, para vivir juntos, como congregación.Board of Membership Engagement & Stewardship / Junto de Compromiso y Mayordomía de Miembros
Strengthen our congregation’s resources. Equips us to nurture our members’ church identity and engage their time, talents, and financial resources to fulfill the mission plan of our congregation. / Fortalecer los recursos de nuestra congregación. Nos prepara para nutrir la identidad de los miembros de nuestra iglesia y dedicar su tiempo, talentos y recursos financieros para cumplir con el plan misionero de nuestra congregación.BUILDING AND OPERATIONS / EDIFICIO Y OPERACIONES
Board of Trustees / Junta directiva
Supervision of all finances and custodians of church properties. Equips us to be good stewards of our financial resources whether they are the resources of our church household or of each of us individually so the mission and ministry of the church may happen. Assists us in maintaining our facility as place of ministry and mission for our congregation. / Supervisión de todas las finanzas y custodios de las propiedades de la iglesia. Nos prepara para ser buenos administradores de nuestros recursos financieros, ya sean los recursos del hogar de nuestra iglesia o de cada uno de nosotros individualmente para que la misión y el ministerio de la iglesia puedan suceder. Nos ayuda a mantener nuestras instalaciones como lugar de ministerio y misión para nuestra congregación. -
Committee Responsibilities
Each committee reports to a board or directly to Council and rely on that reporting relationship for funding. The responsibilities of these committees are outlined below.
Personnel Policy Committee
CHAIR: Toby McCoy
The Personnel Policy Committee establishes, reviews, and, as necessary, proposes revisions of personnel policies to Council for approval. The Committee is responsible for ensuring that all personnel policies are applied fairly and consistently. The Committee also has a role in personnel policy administration and provides input as needed on personnel-related matters.Pastoral Relations Committee
CHAIR: Phil Washburn (2025)*
MEMBERS: Gary Boorman (2024); Saritha Vermeer (2025); Lucy Austin (2027)*Term ends July of year identified.The Pastoral Relations Committee aims to support a healthy relationship between the congregation and the senior pastor and aims for accountability to both parties. This includes working to set up and maintain clear processes for addressing issues of the congregation as they relate to the senior pastor as outlined in the PRC Charter. The Charter and an FAQ can be found here.
Racial Justice Ministries Committee
Chair: Ingrid Schmidt
The RJM Committee works in collaboration with other church groups to identify and help implement ways UCCH can live more fully into its Racial, Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Covenant. The 2015 Score Report serves as a resource in this work.Earth Ministries Committee
The Earth Ministries Committee works within the congregation to help UCCH be a living witness to care for the larger community of life through reduction of our carbon footprint and the inclusion of Care for Creation and Earth Justice in our ministry, mission, education, theology, worship, and public advocacy outreach. With UCCH, we speak for what we love and take action for the future of our children and the children of all species, as proclaimed by the Creation Covenant adopted by our congregation in 2019 and displayed in the Fellowship Hall.Open and Affirming Committee
The ONA Committee works to provide training and education, increase visibility and awareness, and cultivate a community of support for queer and trans-identified folks.Peacemaking Scholarship Committee
Chair: Judy Konanc
The Peacemaking Scholarship was established to support high school students Chapel Hill or Carrboro in pursuit of projects in the following areas: non-violent conflict resolution; issues related to the global community; social justice; ecology; making a connection between population and peacemaking; and depolarization. The committee oversees all processes related to fundraising, review of applications, and awards.DEACONS
Visual Arts Committee
Chair: Natalie Boorman
Committee members conduct classes, provide church decorations for special events and holidays, and flower arrangements for the sanctuary on Sunday. They have had art shows at the Alternative Market and donated proceeds from sales to the IFC.La Mesa Committees
The La Mesa Committees supports all the aspects of the La Mesa worship service including but not limited to music, materials, engaging and enabling volunteers, and providing oversight by making sure the tenets of La Mesa are being observed during the services.Music Committee
Chair: Terry Patrickis
The Music Committee supports the music staff and many volunteers in the church to provide a robust program of vocal and instrumental music for worship services. -
Church and Council Documents
Constitution and Bylaws
- UCCH Personnel Policy
- UCCH Financial Policy
- UCCH Fundraising Approval Policy & Procedures
- UCCH Safe Conduct Policy
Council Minutes
Other Reports and Documents
- November 2023 Congregational Budget Meeting: 2024 Proposed Budget | Narrative Budgets
- June 2023 Annual Congregational Meeting: Minutes (en español) | Agenda | 2022-2023 Annual Report/Informe anual | Leadership Nominations | Revised ONA Covenant
- November 2022 Congregational Budget Meeting: 2023 Proposed Budget | Narrative Budgets
- Past Meeting Minutes: November 2021 Congregational Budget Meeting (en español) | November 2020 Congregational Budget Meeting | 2019-2020 Annual Congregational Meeting | October 2019 Congregational Meeting
- Past Annual Reports: 2021-2022 (en español) |2020-2021 (en español) | 2019-2020 (en español) | 2018-2019 | 2016-2017
Invitations for Congregational Input / Invitaciones para aportes congregacionales
Invitations for Congregational Input / Invitaciones para aportes congregacionales
The congregation is welcome to contact any member of church leadership, including members of committees, boards, or Church Council, to offer suggestions, ideas, or other forms of service which contribute to the work of the church’s leadership groups. Specific topics and activities for which the leadership groups are requesting help are can be found HERE.
La congregación puede contactar a cualquier miembro del personal de la iglesia o liderazgo laico, incluidos los miembros de comités, juntas o consejos, para ofrecer sugerencias, ideas u otras formas de servicio que contribuyan al trabajo de los grupos de liderazgo de la iglesia. Los temas y actividades específicos para los que los grupos de liderazgo solicitan ayuda y aportes se describen AQUÍ.