on life's journey,
you are welcome here.
Proceeds from the market support:
Church World Service (CWS) * Habitat for Humanity * Inter-Faith Council for Social Service (IFC)
Spend Less, Give More, Love All
Sunday, November 24, 10:00-2:00 (or until sold out)
Calling all bakers! The United Church Bake Sale at this year’s Alternative Gift Market will take place on Sunday, November 24, 10:00-2:00 (or until sold out). Bring your prized family recipes to Fellowship Hall–mini-loaves or slices of bread/quick breads and small bags of cookies are popular. Please label ingredients (or if multiple bags, one for the whole batch). Proceeds go to the UCCH Food Security Team to purchase most-needed food items/toiletries for the IFC Community Market. Cash/check accepted. Last year’s sale raised $400!
Order & pay by November 13
Pre-order your poinsettias to pick up at the Alternative Gift Market! Red, white, and pink poinsettias are available in small ($9), medium ($12), and large ($16) pots. Paper order forms are available in the Narthex and Assembly Hall on Sundays, or click here to order through Realm. Return forms to Jodi Flick or Henry Lister, or place them in the offering plate.
Saturday, November 16, 7:00pm in the UCCH Sanctuary
We are thrilled that David LaMotte will perform for the 2024 Peacemaking Scholarship fund on Saturday, November 16th. Members of the youth choirs will join him in select songs of insight and humor.
The Boston Globe writes that his music “pushes the envelope with challenging lyrics and unusual tunings, but he also pays homage to folk tradition,” while BBC Radio Belfast lauds his “charm, stories, humour, insightful songs, sweet voice and dazzling guitar ability.” His most recent album, Still, features the number one song on Folk Radio in September, 2022 (September Me), and the album remained in the top twenty for six months. He has been a featured performer at top tier music festivals including the Kerrville Folk Festival, Merlefest, the Auckland Folk Festival (NZ), and the Australian National Folk Festival.
A freewill offering will be taken. Proceeds support the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Peacemaking Scholarship, which provides financial support to graduating seniors who aspire to a career in peacemaking.
To learn more about the Peacemaking Scholarship Fund and its award winners, click HERE.
God’s Bidding Online Auction, where UCCH members offer gifts of time and talent as another way to support CWS and the IFC. On the auction site your bid can win unique gifts of goods, time, and service. Bidding in the silent auction opens the first day of the AGM and ends December 7. Gifts available include vacation rentals, delicious baked goods, event tickets, holiday foods, trips to the airport, personal services, and much more.
Visit God’s Bidding Online Auction site between November 22 and December 7 to explore all the gifts available from this silent auction.
Please contact Henry Lister at halister@bellsouth.net or 919-215-9030 for more information on the Market or Church World Service’s Welcome Home project OR the IFC’s Family Support program.
Media Sponsor
Proceeds from the market support:
Church World Service (CWS) * Habitat for Humanity * Inter-Faith Council for Social Service (IFC)
Spend Less, Give More, Love All
Sunday, November 24, 10:00-2:00 (or until sold out)
Calling all bakers! The United Church Bake Sale at this year’s Alternative Gift Market will take place on Sunday, November 24, 10:00-2:00 (or until sold out). Bring your prized family recipes to Fellowship Hall–mini-loaves or slices of bread/quick breads and small bags of cookies are popular. Please label ingredients (or if multiple bags, one for the whole batch). Proceeds go to the UCCH Food Security Team to purchase most-needed food items/toiletries for the IFC Community Market. Cash/check accepted. Last year’s sale raised $400!
Order & pay by November 13
Pre-order your poinsettias to pick up at the Alternative Gift Market! Red, white, and pink poinsettias are available in small ($9), medium ($12), and large ($16) pots. Paper order forms are available in the Narthex and Assembly Hall on Sundays, or click here to order through Realm. Return forms to Jodi Flick or Henry Lister, or place them in the offering plate.
Saturday, November 16, 7:00pm in the UCCH Sanctuary
We are thrilled that David LaMotte will perform for the 2024 Peacemaking Scholarship fund on Saturday, November 16th. Members of the youth choirs will join him in select songs of insight and humor.
The Boston Globe writes that his music “pushes the envelope with challenging lyrics and unusual tunings, but he also pays homage to folk tradition,” while BBC Radio Belfast lauds his “charm, stories, humour, insightful songs, sweet voice and dazzling guitar ability.” His most recent album, Still, features the number one song on Folk Radio in September, 2022 (September Me), and the album remained in the top twenty for six months. He has been a featured performer at top tier music festivals including the Kerrville Folk Festival, Merlefest, the Auckland Folk Festival (NZ), and the Australian National Folk Festival.
A freewill offering will be taken. Proceeds support the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Peacemaking Scholarship, which provides financial support to graduating seniors who aspire to a career in peacemaking.
To learn more about the Peacemaking Scholarship Fund and its award winners, click HERE.
God’s Bidding Online Auction, where UCCH members offer gifts of time and talent as another way to support CWS and the IFC. On the auction site your bid can win unique gifts of goods, time, and service. Bidding in the silent auction opens the first day of the AGM and ends December 7. Gifts available include vacation rentals, delicious baked goods, event tickets, holiday foods, trips to the airport, personal services, and much more.
Visit God’s Bidding Online Auction site between November 22 and December 7 to explore all the gifts available from this silent auction.
Please contact Henry Lister at halister@bellsouth.net or 919-215-9030 for more information on the Market or Church World Service’s Welcome Home project OR the IFC’s Family Support program.
Media Sponsor