on life's journey,
you are welcome here.
“Many bells, One Witness”
Expressing praise through handbells is a unique musical experience in teamwork. United Church is blessed with five octaves each of handbells and tone chimes. Our current ensemble of adult and youth ringers rehearses on Monday evening and shares music in worship about eight times a year, as well as attending bell festivals and performing at area retirement homes. Our children and youth also ring occasionally as a part of their singing choirs. If you are interested in ringing with our current ensemble, or in learning to ring in a beginning bell choir, please contact our handbell director, Nan de Andrade, 919-402-3206/ ndea1956@gmail.com.
The Brass and String Ensembles are open to adults and youth who want to play chamber music for services and other events. The groups schedule rehearsals according to need and the availability of players. The ensembles welcome players of various skill levels.
During lockdown small groups from the Chancel Bells recorded music for our online worship services. A selection of these pieces is below.
“Many bells, One Witness”
Expressing praise through handbells is a unique musical experience in teamwork. United Church is blessed with five octaves each of handbells and tone chimes. Our current ensemble of adult and youth ringers rehearses on Monday evening and shares music in worship about eight times a year, as well as attending bell festivals and performing at area retirement homes. Our children and youth also ring occasionally as a part of their singing choirs. If you are interested in ringing with our current ensemble, or in learning to ring in a beginning bell choir, please contact our handbell director, Nan de Andrade, 919-402-3206/ ndea1956@gmail.com.
The Brass and String Ensembles are open to adults and youth who want to play chamber music for services and other events. The groups schedule rehearsals according to need and the availability of players. The ensembles welcome players of various skill levels.
During lockdown small groups from the Chancel Bells recorded music for our online worship services. A selection of these pieces is below.