We are a community of faith and fellowship
bound together in the love of God
guided by the teachings and example of Jesus Christ
united in worship
We covenant with God and one with another
to further the ministry of Jesus Christ
proclaiming and teaching the reign of God
to deepen our love and understanding of God
sustaining our journey in joyful praise, prayer, and song
seeking and developing a relationship with Jesus Christ
being vulnerable to the Spirit’s transforming presence in our life
to invite others into this life and ministry
welcoming the stranger and sojourner
offering the entrance of baptism
making room at the table for all God’s family
to be a light to the world by living as one people
nurturing and supporting one another
forgiving and living as forgiven
respecting all the traditions from which we come
accepting the gifts that each brings
being a community of caring as well as justice
to equip ourselves for God’s service
being faithful stewards of the gifts God has given us
praying for the Spirit’s guidance
studying scripture and tradition
acting upon God’s new calling of us
to be the body of Christ, a disciple, God’s servant in our world
helping those who suffer
treating all God’s creation with respect
bridging that which separates God’s family
challenging oppression and injustice
living courageously as one of God’s own
to act upon Christ’s resurrection
being a community of hope
knowing that no love is lost and trusting that the future is God’s.