on life's journey,
you are welcome here.
Cameron was called to serve United Church of Chapel Hill in March 2018 after serving progressive, justice-seeking congregations in Grinnell and Des Moines, Iowa. In the Chapel Hill communities where our church is present, Cameron has become an active participant in conversations about racial equity, immigration, and housing. He is especially an advocate for the Inter-Faith Council’s mission to address the root causes of poverty and homelessness in our community. His service to our denomination, the United Church of Christ, includes a two year term as chair of the national Board of Directors from 2021 to 2023. Cameron is a graduate of Davidson College and Vanderbilt Divinity School, and holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. Cameron and his husband, Jackson den Herder, an architect with the firm BNIM, reside in the Rogerson-Oakwood neighborhood of Chapel Hill.
Email: cbarr@unitedchurch.org
Phone: 919-942-3540, ext. 108
Direct Line: 919-338-7917
Caleb Wolf (he/she) is from Smyrna, Delaware and has worked with or been involved in the life of various denominational churches/organizations: Baptist, non-denominational, Episcopal, Methodist, Catholic, and United Church of Christ. Caleb is currently seeking ordination through the United Church of Christ. He has a Bachelor of Arts from Sarah Lawrence College with concentrations in Spanish language, theology, and LGBTQ+ studies. Caleb also has a Master of Divinity degree from Duke Divinity School with certificates in gender, sexuality, theology, and ministry and faith-based community organizing. Caleb is bilingual (English and Spanish) and has studied and worked in Peru, Cuba, and Mexico. She is a passionate queer theologian and minister who is committed to the reconciliation of all persons as beloved children of God and seeks to plant and cultivate God’s hope and love for a better possible world. In Caleb’s free time, you’ll likely find her exploring the natural world, exercising at the gym, dancing while grocery shopping, or playing Super Smash Bros with his best friend, Cameron Brown.
Email: cwolf@unitedchurch.org
Phone: 919-338-7913
A North Carolina native, Anitra earned a B.S. degree in Child Development from Meredith College and has more than 25 years experience nurturing children and families in our community. She has been a member of our congregation for more than 10 years and has spent a bulk of that time supporting the work of children and family ministry. Anitra believes deeply in offering a safe space for children, youth, and families to discover and expand upon their faith journey while offering deep respect and love to all of God’s children. Anitra and her husband, Neil, enjoying spending time with their two children and their dog in Hillsborough, NC.
Email: agrove@unitedchurch.org
Phone: 919-942-3540
Alan is a graduate of the North Carolina School of the Arts and the Manhattan School of Music. Early in his career, he was tutored by Marie-Claire Alain, a distinguished scholar and teacher of the organ in Paris. Alan has a long resume of organ and other musical leadership crossing multiple denominational traditions. For nine years he served as Associate Director of Music and Organist at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, and for more than a decade he served Roman Catholic parishes in the Charleston area. Since returning to his childhood home in Louisburg, Alan has served several congregations in Raleigh, including White Memorial Presbyterian Church and St. Ambrose Episcopal Church, an African American parish.
Email: adavis@unitedchurch.org
Phone: 919-942-3540
Jenny received a BA and MAT in Music from Rollins College in Florida. In the 1990’s she lived in England, where she directed choirs, taught primary school music and maintained a large voice studio. She moved to Chapel Hill in 2000 and began directing the Chancel Choir at United Church in 2001, while teaching elementary and middle school music as her day job. In 2011 she became the United Church Director of Music, directing the Children’s, Youth and Chancel Choirs and coordinating a diverse and rich music program.
Email: janderson@unitedchurch.org
Phone: 919-942-3540, ext. 105
Direct Line: 919-338-1718
Email: mmee@unitedchurch.org
Phone: 919-942-3540, ext. 110
Direct Line: 919-338-7915
Email: kruark@unitedchurch.org
Phone: 919-942-3540, ext. 104
Direct Line: 919-338-7921
Email: dgilbert@unitedchurch.org
Phone: 919-942-3540, ext. 103
Direct Line: 919-338-7920
UCP is a half-day preschool program that services the United Church community.
UCP website
Email: Director@unitedchurchpreschool.org
Phone: 919-338-7916