on life's journey,
you are welcome here.
An event every week that begins at 5:45 pm on Wednesday, repeating until February 6, 2019
January 16, 23, 30 & February 6
Fundraiser Dinners at 5:45 pm, 6:30 pm programs
Sacred Space Art Studio
Painting with artist Claudia Galvez. We’ll spend the first 3 weeks recreating this beautiful painting by Claudia Galvez. On the 4th week of the series, we’ll have a speed painting class led by Rinnie Orr. Limited to 10 people, and a charge of $30 per person for supplies and artist stipend.
Sacred Space arts will also offer 4 Wednesday night art classes especially for children! We will do a pottery project the first week then make a winter painting and sew a pillow.
Book Discussion of “Reconstructing the Gospel” led by Bill Murray: This class is a prelude to having the book author, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove come to UCCH for 5 sessions in March. He will assist our church to grow in the directions described in his book. Get more out of these five sessions by discussing his book now. Our facilitator, Bill Murray has known and admired Jonathan for many years. Books are on sale through the church office. Open to All!
The Gospel as Story Telling led by Mike Shannon: Storytelling creates community. Persons who tell each other stories become friends. Good stories get retold because there is something about a good story that virtually compels retelling it. Every human community has its stories, but the stories of the Bible have a special distinctive meaning. When our stories are connected with the stories of God, there is revelation. By telling these stories, God and Christ not only become present and speak to us, but they become present and speak to others. Class is full.
Peacemaking Close to Home led by Jack Denniston and members of the UCCH Peacemaking Scholarship Committee: Topics: how UCCH is recognizing and encouraging young peacemakers through the Chapel Hill Carrboro Peacemaking Scholarship initiative, national initiatives currently working successfully on a critical and timely aspect of peacemaking – depolarization, and strategies and skills for having productive conversations across the political divide. Members of the Better Angels organization will be on hand for these discussions. These discussions are open to all.