Since most elections are heavily influenced by the economy, we thought we would re-visit our work on economic justice and ask our resident economists (and a colleague of theirs) to talk about the post Great Recession economy. And then, of course, the Affordable Health Care Act, is still being challenged and championed.
- Sunday, October 2 –”It’s the economy, faithful” – What’s changed since the Great Recession? with Dr. Steve DeLoach, Elon University, Professor of Economics
- Sunday, October 9 – “It’s the economy, faithful” – The growth in inequality with Dr. Tonmoy Islam, Elon University, Professor of Economics
- Sunday, October 16 – “It’s the economy, faithful” – Solutions: $15 Minimum Wage? Free Community Colleges? Lower Taxes? with Dr. Tom Tiemann, Elon University, Professor of Economics, Emeritus
- Sunday, October 23 – Health Care, Obama Care, Affordable Care with Dr. Jonathan Kotch, UNC Emeritus Research Professor, Department of Maternal and Child Health, Health Care for All and Bill Murray, Health Care for All