
Wednesdays Together Dinner and Programs

United Church of Chapel Hill 1321 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Nurturing both fellowship and faith, Wednesday nights bring our whole church together for a shared meal, spiritual growth, and thoughtful conversation. With short classes focused on art, healing, and Christian formation, Wednesdays Together offer something for everyone. Dinner begins at 5:45 and programming starts at 6:30. Words for and from Our Times: Poetry of Injustice, Healing, and Hope: Associate Pastor Susan Steinberg will lead us finding contemporary American poets whose words have the power to sustain us in trying and uncertain times. All are welcome; Room 235. Separation of Church and State: Rev. Rollin Russell, a retired church executive and adjunct faculty of Duke Divinity School, examines what’s really at stake when sectarian religious values threaten to sway public life. All are welcome; Assembly Hall. Sojourning the Path of Grief: Rev. Mike Shannon, a local pastor and hospice chaplain, guides us in a time of meditation and healing as hold each other in hope through grief and loss. Registration limited; Library. Sacred Conversations to End Racism: Experienced racial equity trainers Wanda Hunter and Debby Stroman facilitate a new curriculum sponsored by the United Church of Christ to examine the history and present forms of white supremacy. Registration limited; Room 219. from Sacred Space Art Studio Quilting: Denise Laux leads a quilting class for a adults that will yield a new quilt reflecting the ministries of the church. Collage: Fred Joiner teaches an intergenerational art class to create a collage in the style of Romare Bearden. Pottery: Cely Chicurel teaches us to make pottery in a course for all ages.