Nurturing both faith and fellowship, United Church has three Wednesday evening series during the program year. The first in September, Wednesdays Together, welcomes everyone back from their summer break and newcomers to our community.
SUPPER – From 5:45 to 6:30 pm – We begin each evening with a simple supper provided by the following groups:
While a donation of $7 per adult and $3 per child (not to exceed $20 per family) is asked, please remember that these dinners are fundraisers for a cause – please be generous. CHILD CARE ON DEMAND – We are happy to provide child care for these programs. If you need childcare during these programs, please contact the office.
PROGRAMS – From 6:30 to 7:30 pm – This year’s programs include (click on links below for more information):
What Every Choral Singer Needs to Know – in 4 Easy Lessons! (For 5th Graders to Adults)
The Protestant Church During National Socialism: Conformity and Resistance
White Privilege – Let’s Talk – Continuing Discussions with the Sacred Conversation on Race (Program description TBA)
Sacred Space Art Studio Offerings