Advent and Christmas at United Church
“Tis the season and our Advent and Christmas events are coming up soon. There are many ways to attend and participate throughout this season. You are invited to join us and invite friends, colleagues, and family who may be seeking a community to celebrate with this season. Special events and worship services include:
- Sunday, November 30 – Taizé worship (7 pm)
- Saturday, December 6 – Hanging of the Greens (9 am)
- Sunday, December 7 – Vespers Advent worship & potluck (5 pm)
- Wednesday, December 10 – Christmas Dinner
- Sunday, December 14 – A Service of Lessons and Carols led by the Children, Youth, and Chancel Choirs and United Church Brass (5 pm)
- Sunday, December 21 – “The Longest Night” led by Aly Breisch and Susan Steinberg (5 pm); UVoP Christmas Concert (5 pm); Taizé worship (7 pm)
- Sunday, December 24 – Christmas Eve worship services (4 pm, 7 pm, 9 pm and 11 pm)
Click HERE for more information on these events and more.