on life's journey,
you are welcome here.
(This listening session was postponed from December 9, due to the snow storm.) A light lunch will be served, thanks to folks participating in the Sacred Conversations on Race (SCOR) class. The meeting will include an update on the current status of the 2019 budget process, solicit input to help the Council finalize the budget in the coming weeks, and provide time for you to share your hopes and concerns. We recognize that not all of you will be able to attend Sunday’s meeting. To facilitate communication, notes from the Listening Session will be sent to members of the congregation.
We invite you to share your thoughts about the future of UCCH by answering the questions included below. You may respond using one of these 3 options:
These responses will be used to inform the Council planning retreat on January 26. To ensure that your thoughts can be incorporated, please respond no later than Sunday, January 20.
United Church is in the midst of an exciting period of growth and change. This meeting and the survey questions are just part of many steps already taken and to be taken to involve members of the congregation in learning about what is ahead and guiding what is to come.