An event every week that begins at 10:00 am on Sunday, repeating until July 31, 2016
We all live in a watershed.
As one’s watershed is one’s basin of relationships (or cradle), it is a way of stressing the local context of our discipleship. The grounds of United Church of Chapel Hill includes Booker Creek. This branch of Booker Creek begins near the Fire Department at the corner of Weaver Dairy and MLK Jr Blvd and meanders through the park before entering our grounds. As there is a small, perhaps intermittent, spring on our grounds that feeds the creek, you may even say United Church is at the “headwaters” of Booker Creek. What is our responsibility as people of the “headwaters” for our watershed which eventually becomes the larger Cape Fear basin?
While our children are having a Vacation Bible School program on “Water,” adults are invited to join in a conversation this July on “Watershed Discipleship.”