Adult Forum: Sabbath Practice with Rev. Dana Trent

United Church of Chapel Hill 1321 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Chapel Hill

Rev. J. Dana Trent is an award-winning author, speaker, minister, and teacher. She is a graduate of Duke Divinity School and adjunct faculty member at Wake Technical Community College, where she teaches World Religions and Critical Thinking. Her work has appeared on, The Christian Century, The Huffington Post, Patheos, and Sojourners. Her second book, For Sabbath’s Sake: Embracing Your Need for Rest, Worship, and Community, was released October 1, 2017, by Upper Room Books.  Her debut book, Saffron Cross: The Unlikely Story of How a Christian Minister Married a Hindu Monk (Fresh Air Books, 2013) chronicles her interfaith marriage to Fred. She loves naps with cats, vegetarian food, and teaching weight-lifting for the YMCA.  


Sacred Conversation on Race

United Church of Chapel Hill 1321 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Chapel Hill

Join us in reading and discussing Rev. Barber’s latest book, The Third Reconstruction.  It is an easy read, much of it autobiographical.  The book is for sale for $7 on our book table at the entrance to the Fellowship Hall.  Our church has attended many of Rev. Barber’s events such as the Moral Mondays.  He has come to our church twice to speak. He preaches Judeo-Christian values that we enthusiastically support as part of our church’s social justice work. Bill Murray, with others from SCOR, will lead a discussion of the book on Feb 18, 25, and March 4.  Bring your questions and curiosity. We shall discuss at least the following questions:   How do you react to Rev. Barber’s stories about his life?  What are his views on racism?  Why does he do social justice work?  How will his new Poor People’s Campaign fight for justice?  Bonus item - What is the brand new Orange County Poor People’s Campaign doing?  How can you help?  

Youth Group: Imago Divina – Serve at IFC

United Church of Chapel Hill 1321 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Chapel Hill

In honor of the first week of Lent, we will explore the contemplative practice of Imago Divina, a simple way of praying with an image or artwork. UCCH member (and art historian) Lee Sorenson and Youth Director Katherine Henderson will lead youth into meditative interaction with selected pieces of classic and contemporary imagery. Also, up to five youth can help prepare lunch at the IFC Men's Shelter adjacent to UCCH. It's a great opportunity to be of service ~ no special skills needed, and you get to hang out with kitchen manager Gunzo!