Our UCC denomination started Sacred Conversations on Race (SCOR) in 2008, and United Church of Chapel Hill has participated from the beginning. The SCOR group has had a variety of roles in the past, but now that the Racial Justice Ministries committee is in place to handle planning and organization for racial justice initiatives within UCCH, SCOR has been able to focus on being a class and discussion forum for those who are interested in engaging more deeply with issues of race and racism.
Everyone is welcome to participate in the SCOR class, even if intermittently, regardless of where you are in your journey to understand and work against racism. You are welcome even if you are just starting to think more deeply about these issues. “Mistakes” are welcome, because everyone in the group benefits from learning more. We seek to honor each person, wherever they are in understanding the impact of racism in their lives, our community and our world.