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United Church of Chapel Hill is searching for an experienced ecclesial or nonprofit administrator to manage the operations and finance of a vibrant progressive congregation. The Church Administrator is the Senior Pastor’s lead partner in directing the staff and managing church operations. Whereas the senior pastor focuses on leading the program life of the church’s ministry, the administrator is responsible for assuring that all operational structures necessary for the success of ministry programs are in place. The administrator is particularly attentive, therefore, to finances, building and grounds, and program support. The administrator provides direct staff leadership to the Board of Trustees.
The Church Administrator will supervise a bookkeeper, communications director, custodians, and numerous others engaged on a part-time, contractual, or volunteer basis to support church operations. With those needs in mind, United Church is looking for an experienced supervisor with sharp instincts for managing a church office as well as demonstrated accounting skills and knowledge of church finances. The administrator must be a person of unquestioned integrity and good judgment who radiates a bright and collaborative spirit to model our church’s values and gracious welcome to all God’s children.
United Church of Chapel Hill is a congregation of more than 800 members with three regular worship services on Sunday mornings, including a growing Spanish language ministry. Our congregation is highly committed to racial equity, celebrating the LGBTQ community, and elevating women’s voices for proclaiming the Gospel. Interested candidates, please send a CV and letter of interest to Senior Pastor Cameron Barr at administratorsearch@unitedchurch.org.
United Church of Chapel Hill is searching for an experienced ecclesial or nonprofit administrator to manage the operations and finance of a vibrant progressive congregation. The Church Administrator is the Senior Pastor’s lead partner in directing the staff and managing church operations. Whereas the senior pastor focuses on leading the program life of the church’s ministry, the administrator is responsible for assuring that all operational structures necessary for the success of ministry programs are in place. The administrator is particularly attentive, therefore, to finances, building and grounds, and program support. The administrator provides direct staff leadership to the Board of Trustees.
The Church Administrator will supervise a bookkeeper, communications director, custodians, and numerous others engaged on a part-time, contractual, or volunteer basis to support church operations. With those needs in mind, United Church is looking for an experienced supervisor with sharp instincts for managing a church office as well as demonstrated accounting skills and knowledge of church finances. The administrator must be a person of unquestioned integrity and good judgment who radiates a bright and collaborative spirit to model our church’s values and gracious welcome to all God’s children.
United Church of Chapel Hill is a congregation of more than 800 members with three regular worship services on Sunday mornings, including a growing Spanish language ministry. Our congregation is highly committed to racial equity, celebrating the LGBTQ community, and elevating women’s voices for proclaiming the Gospel. Interested candidates, please send a CV and letter of interest to Senior Pastor Cameron Barr at administratorsearch@unitedchurch.org.