Cookies for the Community

United Church of Chapel Hill 1321 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Chapel Hill

The Board of Children's Ministries invites all households to bring two dozen or more undecorated sugar cookies to church. We'll provide the icing and sprinkles. We'll share our finished creations with residents of Project Homestart, the IFC Community Kitchen, and Charles House.  

Candlelight Festival of Lessons and Carols

United Church of Chapel Hill 1321 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Chapel Hill

Candlelight Festival of Lessons and Carols  Music: Children's, Youth and Chancel Choirs, and Bronze Voices Handbell Choir with flute, piano and organ. Traditional and new carols will highlight Christ's Peace coming into our world. Hear the Christmas story told in word and song in this traditional worship service, first celebrated in Cornwall, England, on Christmas Eve in 1880, and later made famous through annual worldwide radio and television broadcasts from Kings College, Cambridge. The Christmas story unfolds through readings from Genesis, Isaiah, and the Gospels. After each reading, carols and hymns are sung that reflect the message of the reading. Candles symbolize the light of Christ.