on life's journey,
you are welcome here.
Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit, ecumenical, Christian housing ministry. Habitat seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. For over 30 years, our church has partnered with Habitat for Humanity in Orange County and Habitat for Humanity International in Guatamala.
In Orange County, we are part of the Building Hope project, which is a partnership of six local congregations whose goal is to provide the funds and the volunteers to build homes for those in our community. This ministry not only builds homes and dreams, but it also builds communities. Sign up to join a build.
Habitat Orange County has a very active Advocacy Committee which stays in close contact with our elected officials at the local, state, and national level to encourage legislation and policy changes that support more affordable housing. We invite you to join in this advocacy work by volunteering to periodically send emails or letters to our elected officials voicing your personal support for housing issues. Habitat provides a template that contains all the necessary information. To become a volunteer letter writer, sign up on Habitat’s website.
Covenant Place is a 40-unit facility of supportive housing that was developed by a partnership between United Church of Chapel Hill, New Covenant Christian UCC and the United Church Retirement Homes. It is underwritten by a program of the Department of Housing and Urban Development that offers assistance to senior citizens (62+) whose income is under $20,000.
Shepherd House is a 66-bed assisted living facility developed by the same partnership. It is now managed by Salem Senior Services, but its mission continues to be as a place of care inclusive of those with economic need.
Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit, ecumenical, Christian housing ministry. Habitat seeks to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action. For over 30 years, our church has partnered with Habitat for Humanity in Orange County and Habitat for Humanity International in Guatamala.
In Orange County, we are part of the Building Hope project, which is a partnership of six local congregations whose goal is to provide the funds and the volunteers to build homes for those in our community. This ministry not only builds homes and dreams, but it also builds communities. Sign up to join a build.
Habitat Orange County has a very active Advocacy Committee which stays in close contact with our elected officials at the local, state, and national level to encourage legislation and policy changes that support more affordable housing. We invite you to join in this advocacy work by volunteering to periodically send emails or letters to our elected officials voicing your personal support for housing issues. Habitat provides a template that contains all the necessary information. To become a volunteer letter writer, sign up on Habitat’s website.
Covenant Place is a 40-unit facility of supportive housing that was developed by a partnership between United Church of Chapel Hill, New Covenant Christian UCC and the United Church Retirement Homes. It is underwritten by a program of the Department of Housing and Urban Development that offers assistance to senior citizens (62+) whose income is under $20,000.
Shepherd House is a 66-bed assisted living facility developed by the same partnership. It is now managed by Salem Senior Services, but its mission continues to be as a place of care inclusive of those with economic need.